Interview: Getting to know Jaime Santianes

December, 1, 2022. Written by Clara De Nadal Trias


I keep a great memory of each and every one of the interviews that I have done throughout my life, but I admit that publishing this one makes me especially excited, due to the wonderful conversation in which it derived, the learnings and the good vibes I went to my house with. Thanks my dear friend.

Although he was born in Oviedo, Jaime Santianes assures that he is also Catalan, since after more than 20 years living and working in Barcelona: "people is not from where is born, but from where it grazes" and adds: "I am more Catalan than many catalans”.


Jaime is a simple guy who is passionate about "the essence of things" and above all nature, the sea, traveling and spending time with his wife and his best friend, Koa, his daughter.

People says about him that everything in his life is driven by common sense and he applies it to absolutely everything. “Bon vivant” by nature, a fervent follower of "Less is more" and always with the motto: "we need very little to enjoy life".

Professionally, he is dedicated to managing gastronomic projects and people's emotions, referring to both those who work in his restaurant and those he feeds to make them feel “special”. He is partner of the businessman and chef from Madrid Nino Reduello -with whom he shared a room and became close friends in the well-known El Bulli restaurant run by the famous Ferrán and Albert Adrià brothers. And he’s the co-founder of three amazing Barcelona restaurants: Fismuler (Carrer del Rec Comtal, 17), Armando (Dark Kitchen concept and home delivery only) and the recently opened Molino de Pez (Carrer de Córcega, 346).

Let’s start, please tell me a confessable secret…
I am very, very stingy person in the thriftiest sense of the word.

Professionally, what do you think is your greatest contribution to a city like Barcelona?
My greatest contribution is having found the "perfect formula" to create a restaurant with a nice location and a good atmosphere, good customer service, gastronomically honest and accompanied by live music. First we did it with Fismuler and now at Molino de Pez.


According to your personal experience... What is the best thing about living in Barcelona?

The proximity of being able to enjoy, at the same time, the Mediterranean and the Pyrenees. And also the climate, which allows me to bathe in the sea every month of the year.

What is your favorite neighborhood in Barcelona?

Undoubtedly the one that touches the sea, the neighborhood of La Barceloneta.


This is a question that I ask to everyone I interview, but as you work in the gastronomy sector I am very interested in knowing: What are your 3 favorite restaurants or bars in Barcelona, and why?

The first one is La Cova Fumada (Carrer del Baluard, 56), for its authenticity and for maintaining its essence and good food after so many years. The second one is El Gallito (Passeig del Mare Nostrum, 19), due to its location facing the sea, the customer service and the friendship that unites me with its owner. And the third one is definitely my house. There is no better place in the world to eat plus you can do it while enjoying the sun in my terrace (Laughs).

If someone who has never been to Barcelona asks you... what can't I miss, do or visit?

Well, I would say to take a walk along the seaside and around La Barceloneta neighborhood. To lose yourself along the El Born neighborhood. And also to relax yourself while watching squirrels around you at the Pedralbes Gardens.

I know that you really like to travel outside Barcelona with your van, but what is your favorite plan in the city?

My favorite plan is to go dancing at Sala Apolo (Carrer Nou de la Rambla, 113).

If you didn't live in Barcelona... Where would you live?

Definitely in some Southeast Asian country. Thailand, Cambodia... I would only take two T-shirts, some underwear and let’s go!

If Barcelona would be a person... Who would it be?

My mother. Because she has welcomed me like a mother would.

And finally the last question... Please mention someone you think I should do this interview to:

Alex Arenas. At his side you have a plan guaranteed plus if you ever need him, he is always there.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

More information about plans and people in Barcelona here

Interview written and translated by Clara De Nadal Trias